Vapor Technologies Resource Library to Read & Download
All the information you need about our PVD systems, coatings, support services, and company.

You need detailed data to make informed decisions about the physical vapor deposition (PVD) process and purchasing thin-film coating machines, including PECVD and PVD systems using both cathodic arc and magnetron sputtering coating processes.
The VaporTech® library provides educational resources to read and download about our vacuum coating systems, PVD coating development, and coating machine services. The library is divided into specific sections including our full line of PVD coating equipment, custom coating development, brochures, tech notes & case studies, and VaporTech in the press. For more information about our thin-film coating systems, call us today at 303-652-8500.
Free PVD Information Guides
Download these guides to learn the basics of PVD coating and whether or not in-house coating is right for you. Find out how PVD coatings add durability, hardness, wear resistance, and more to your parts and products.
Tech Notes & Case Studies
Interested in improving quality and efficiency? Want to coat your medical devices? Learn from a VaporTech customer case study? Read and download these fact sheets.
Vapor Technologies has been featured in many industry publications, including Manufacturing Today, Products Finishing, PCI (Paint & Coatings Industry), Medical Design Briefs, and Race Engine Technology.